Wednesday 22 September 2010



My creation in 3D max was based on pingu the penguin, i have made this using 3D Max's shapes such as pryimids, boxs and spheres etc... I have found this experiance very helpful and entertaining and would like to develop more in the futer. I have used 3 main colours orange, white and black as they are the main colours on a any penguin, real or cartoon.

Unit 66

My 3D Robot.

Today we used 3D studio max, our task was to learn the basics while making our own personal robot. We used many different things such as perspective shapes, for example a cylinder or a sphere.

Tuesday 21 September 2010

Unit 19: Desktop Project

This is my project.

When we created the desktop project there were four main areas to include, the four main genres are Horror, Si-Fi, Fantasy and War.
First of all we had to cut images out of magazines of different types of genre games, which include things like Mario and Call of Duty. The purpose of this was to point out which pictures relate to which genre. It was really fun but it was hard to find some pictures as some of the magazines were already missing images.

Most of the images are widely spread out which means it is quite hard to understand, In my opinion I need to improve on this type of work and put more effort in but it's not bad for a first try.

The image source were from magazines called "edge" and other various game magazines, and some image were donate by a friend.

It took an estimated time of just under two hours and everyone developed there own ideas.

- Curtis Stoyles

Wednesday 15 September 2010

3D Work Day 1

Today we used a software program called 3D Max to create our first ever 3D picture. The program was very easy to accses and easy to use, we used 3D shapes such as, Cones , box's, pyramid's, teacups etc...
Personally I enjoyed my first used of the program and cannot wait to use the features more. Above is the picture of my final project.

Games Development : What I want to get out of this course.

When the course is completed I hope to get the qualifications and get a place into college or a job in the game industry, I chose this course because its something I do everyday and love, it keeps me entertained and its something I would love to do as a carrer, also the bonus of the course is that you can spent time with people who also love different types of game genres.