Monday 17 October 2011

Group Logo : Cybertronics

Cybertronics Logo.

Each team of 5 was given a task to design a logo for a company that we are creating. This is our final agreed logo.


Hello, thank you for agreeing to participate in our survey; we are currently students at Shipley Collage on the Games Development Course. Our task is to ask tourist who are visiting Saltaire for information about if they are interested in the history surrounding Saltaire and what their views are on an Educational video/animation on Saltaire.
Male              Female
14-18          18-25          25-40          40+
Do you live in Saltaire?
Yes                No
Purpose of Visit?
Tourist          Student       Resident         None
Are you generally interested in the history of Saltaire?
Yes              No
Where would you want to watch the animation?
YouTube         Shipley College Website        Tourist Websites      
What type of setting would you like to see Saltaire?
Past              Present            Future
Do you think this Educational video is a good idea?
Yes                  No