Tuesday 29 November 2011

Analogue Overview

Analogue is a physical vibration and is completely different to digital. It has unlimited bandwidth and two formats are vinyle records and magnetic tapes

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Foley Artistry

Foley Artistry is when you create sound by a human movement such as a plane, a person walking or destroying fruit. Foley Artistry is used to show a sound effect such as a headshot.

Monday 17 October 2011

Group Logo : Cybertronics

Cybertronics Logo.

Each team of 5 was given a task to design a logo for a company that we are creating. This is our final agreed logo.


Hello, thank you for agreeing to participate in our survey; we are currently students at Shipley Collage on the Games Development Course. Our task is to ask tourist who are visiting Saltaire for information about if they are interested in the history surrounding Saltaire and what their views are on an Educational video/animation on Saltaire.
Male              Female
14-18          18-25          25-40          40+
Do you live in Saltaire?
Yes                No
Purpose of Visit?
Tourist          Student       Resident         None
Are you generally interested in the history of Saltaire?
Yes              No
Where would you want to watch the animation?
YouTube         Shipley College Website        Tourist Websites      
What type of setting would you like to see Saltaire?
Past              Present            Future
Do you think this Educational video is a good idea?
Yes                  No

Wednesday 15 June 2011

Evaluation for 3D Animation

For my 3D animation I decided to design a 3D Gun Shooting. The basic idea was for the gun to shoot a bullet and for the camera to change shots/views.
I chose this type of design because im a huge first person shooting fan, whether it be to everyones taste, I dont know but for me I enjoy them and I have enjoyed experimenting on this attempt to create a 3D Gun.
I started by making a plane and adding a picture of the pistol "Desert Eagle", I then used the line tool to crop out the gun and extruded. I then made a cilinder and used Pro Boolean to crop the gun hole. After I added a green camo to the gun to make it look realistic. The bullet was created from a cyclinder which was then morphed into a bullet, which was then given a gold camo.
I used 3 cameras in total which followed the bullets movement.
If I was asked to do this again I would probably design a house or something different because it would be unique.
Making the Gun animation was very difficult sometimes because alot of the camera angles were very difficult to make it look realistic, another problem was the Bullet hole on the gun as my friends showed me "pro boolean" tool.

Here is my final Animation.

Thursday 9 June 2011

Evaluation of 3D Model

For my 3D project I decided to design a 3D Plane, there are many reasons to my
choice, as I wanted to use an idea which would be classed as transport. My reasons for
not developing a car or a boat is that I personally wanted to try something that
would be more complex and challenging, as making cars and boats is constantly
created by the majority of the students .

If I was to do this project again, I would probably make something totally different, for
example a weapon or a city.

Timelines were very important during development of my plane, because it helped me keep
track of what parts needed to be done at certain time to achieve my final goal.

I believe my model was unique, but I also think it can be improved. Improvements such
as more detail to the shape of the plane, the style of the plane (Customization) and I could
also add more features such as an extra engine.                                                              
This is my Final Design and a prototype picture

Wednesday 13 April 2011

3D Plane Model

This is my final product of my 3D Plane in 3D Max.
Over the past weeks, I have planned my ideas with different styles
to make my own unique 3D Plane model.

This is my basic model when it was extruded etc... from the box shape model.
After the basic plane model was completed it was time to add features such as, shark fins and colour/textures. Some of the textures is used are below.
If i could do this project again, I would make sure the plane has no missing pieces, maybe change the visual idea and use/add more features, for example guns etc...
Overall I really enjoyed this project.
Here are some profesional designs...

Personally I think these examples are amazing and shows what you can achieve with 3D Programs.

Wednesday 26 January 2011

Spotlights and Fog

Today I learned how to make a hallway with fog and spotlights in 3d max. The process was quite tricky as you have to place the spotlight in the correct position. First  I used a standard box, removed the top and two ends. After, I flipped both sides and floor, placed a cone above the box to represent a light shade, add a target spot. Then add a special effect, click volume. Then make multipul lights, which makes a corridor of lights which shines on the walls.

Wednesday 19 January 2011

Light Effect in 3D Max

I created this in 3D Max by using to Light target spot tool, this allows you to add as many lights to your design as you want, with a varity of options to edit the light brightness, Direction and shadow etc...
In this design I added a standard perimitive box.